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Ad №: 687
Промышленное оборудование / Станки для гибки, рубки и резки арматуры /

Rebar cutting machine SMZh-322B



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Україна, Київ
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Advertisement created: 22-06-2023 (11:06)
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130000 грн.
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The SMZh-322B rebar cutting machine is a reliable and functional equipment designed specifically for the production needs of factories for the production of reinforced concrete structures, large construction sites and industrial enterprises. This Ukrainian machine offers high quality, time-tested and guarantees efficient operation under high loads.

Thanks to the electromechanical drive, the SMZh-322B machine ensures high productivity and accuracy in cutting rebar. It can be controlled by a convenient foot portable pedal or using a control panel. The design of the machine includes an oil sump that guarantees automatic lubrication of all mechanisms, ensuring a long service life and reducing the need for maintenance.

Equipped with reliable and strong knives, the SMZh-322B machine is capable of cutting rebar of various types and sizes. It easily handles class AI smooth rebar from 6 to 40 mm in diameter and class AIII ribbed rebar from 6 to 32 mm in diameter. This machine is able to work both in single mode and in continuous mode, which ensures its high versatility.

With the help of the SMZh-322B machine, you can cut rebar with the precision and speed you need for your project. It has an open cutting area that allows cutting in longitudinal or transverse directions, making it ideal for use in automatic lines of any type.

The SMZh-322B machine has a special design that allows you to cut rebar quickly and efficiently. The high pressure generated by the moving knife acts on the steel and is counteracted by the stationary knife, providing a clean and precise cut. This principle of operation allows the machine to be operated with a single operator, ensuring high productivity and process efficiency.

According to GOST 15150-69, it is recommended to use the SMZh-322B machine under a canopy in a moderately cold climate, which indicates its reliability and stability in various operating conditions.

Let the SMZh-322B machine become your indispensable assistant in the production of reinforced concrete structures. Its high reliability, functionality and ease of use will provide you with fast and high-quality rebar cutting, while maintaining the high productivity of your enterprise. Designed for long service life and excellent performance, the SMZh-322B machine is ready to become a reliable partner in your construction activities.

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