The hydraulic press with a force of 8 tons is designed to compact all kinds of waste paper, plastic films and all types of plastic containers and PET bottles. He also easily compresses leather, rags and tube types of textiles.
Technical Characteristics:
Manufacturer country:
Number of hydraulic cylinders:
1 шт.
Rod movement time:
25 сек.
до 4-6 тюков в час
Bale weight (waste paper):
до 130 кг.
Bale weight (PET bottle):
до 70 кг.
Bale weight (film):
до 110 кг.
Bale weight (aluminum and sheet metal):
до 50 кг.
Bale size:
800 х 600 х 800 мм
Set type:
Трехфазная, 50 Гц
Overall dimensions (LxWxH):
1100 х 850 х 2700 мм
Габаритные размеры для транспортировки (ДхШхВ):
1350 х 920 х 2 820 мм